TAKE NOTE : Although we work form part of the panel of experts who is assisting your attorneys with your claim – An industrial psychologist is NOT A MEDICAL expert but an INCOME SPECIALIST.


As Industrial Psychologists we work within the legal arena, offering comprehensive Psycho-Legal expertise with regards to Loss of Earnings, caused amongst other things by road accidents, medical negligence and workplace injuries.

Our Psycho-Legal Process works to establish and express an opinion to the instructing attorneys for presentation in court, if necessary, on past and future loss of income by determining the employability of an individual, their limitations, career prospects, career plateau and earning potential, following an accident, injury at work or incident of medical negligence by assessing the consequences of the personal injury.

Our assessments take cognisance of:

  • The claimant’s socioeconomic status;
  • Family and educational background;
  • Employment history;
  • Obtained collateral information and references to other expert opinions;
  • Research of the conditions in the open labour market.

Through our understanding of the business environment and Human Resource best practice, we offer expertise in determining:

  • Pre-morbid vs. post morbid career paths;
  • Pre-morbid vs. post morbid income, increases and promotions;
  • Future employability;
  • Loss of income scenarios.


  • The interview is guided by a self-developed, semi structured questionnaire, designed to collect specific biographical information. Open-ended questions allow for flexibility enabling the assessing IP to explore other topics that might arise and which appear relevant to the matter.

All the above ensures a comprehensive industrial psycho-legal report.

Any questions regarding your claim should be directed to your attorneys as they are  responsible for the finalization of your claim.

Medical Neglegance

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